
Summer Waitlist Overview

  • Waitlists turn on May 1 for all classes and turn off after the add deadline (for each session).
  • Over the summer, the waitlist process runs every half hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • As spots open up or course capacity is expanded, students are automatically added into the class according to their waitlist position.
  • If students are not automatically being enrolled, it is usually due to a time conflict, unmet prerequisite, having already met the credit max, etc. Please have them email summer@ucsc.edu for support.

How do you give waitlisted students access to your Canvas course?

  • When students are enrolled in your course, they appear in People in your Canvas course Canvas automatically. When they drop the course, they disappear automatically. That’s not the case for waitlisted students. You have to add and remove them manually. Follow the procedure hosted here.