Early Start Summer Edge Registration

Open: April 1 - June 15 (Free Registration)

Newly admitted students who want to take classes the summer before their first fall quarter must first register for an early start through Summer Edge. 

Your completed registration allows us to set up your accounts for early access so you can enroll in summer classes starting May 2 at 9 a.m. 

Before You Register:

  1. Complete your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) through your MyUCSC Student Portal at my.ucsc.edu.

  2. Have your UCSC Student ID Number and your UCSC email address ready. You can find your ID number on your Admission Decision letter. Your UCSC email address is your CruzID followed by @ucsc.edu.

register button

After You Register:

  • We will begin processing the moment your registration is complete. It can take 1-3 business days to get your accounts set up, so register early to avoid scrambling to hit deadlines.

  • When complete, you will be notified via your UCSC email address that you’re active to enroll in Summer Session classes starting May 2. 

  • Use your UCSC GMAIL address - all official communications are sent to your cruzID@ucsc.edu. All instructors use your UCSC email. Check your spam filters!

Note: As an incoming student, you are responsible for ensuring that your conditions of admission to UC Santa Cruz have been met. Read the Conditions of Admission page in your online offer of admission to fully understand your obligations. If you anticipate any problem that could hinder you from meeting your conditions, please contact the Office of Admissions through their Contacts and Directory Tool or (831) 459-4008 as soon as possible.  

Next Steps:

Choosing Classes