Add, Swap, Drop, & Withdraw from Course

UCSC Summer Session differs from Fall/Winter/Spring, other UC campuses, and other universitiesRead the following policies regarding adding, dropping, refunds, and deadline exceptions carefully


  • There is no credit minimum in summer.
  • There is a 10 credit maximum per session.
  • There is a 20 credit maximum for the entire summer.  

If you would like to exceed this maximum, you need approval from your college advisor, who should email with permission. 

Summer Waitlist

  • Summer Session waitlists turn on May 1 for all classes and will turn off after the add/swap deadline (for each session). The waitlist process runs every half hour.
  • As spots open up or course capacity is expanded, students are automatically added to the class according to their waitlist position. If students are not automatically enrolled, it is usually due to a time conflict, unmet prerequisite, having already met the credit max, etc. 
  • Unfortunately, you cannot take the class if you are not automatically added before the waitlist shuts off. 
  • Information on enrolling, editing, or seeing your position on the waitlist is on the Registrar FAQ.
  • Remember, over Summer Session; you must drop yourself from any class you enroll in, including those you are auto-enrolled in from the waitlist. You will NOT be dropped for not paying. Visit the summer add/drop and request for "W" policies.

Adding Courses in Summer Session

  • You can add or swap classes in MyUCSC until the add deadline for each session. There is no "Add by Petition" in summer; the deadline is firm.
  • Read each class's "Class Notes" section Class Notes" section of each class for summer-specific instructions. Some prerequisites and restrictions are lifted in certain classes for different populations. 
  • This enrollment tutorial document and corresponding video show you how to add a summer class. 
  • If you are using a permission number to add a class, you can reference the How to Enroll PDF (#10) or this Permission Number How-To Video. As a reminder, if you already have the class in your shopping cart, you may need to drop it, then add it again if you do not see the permission number option. Over the summer, permission numbers do not override a full class, but they are used to join a waitlist. 

Trouble Adding Courses in Summer Session

  • Spring fail - If you try to enroll in a summer class that you did not pass in spring, your portal will not let you enroll until the spring grade posts. Permission codes do not override that. So please be patient - as soon as the spring grade posts, your portal will allow you to enroll in the summer course.
  • Max repeat - You will need college advisor approval to retake a course if you are exceeding allowable repeats. Email your approval to 
  • Time conflict - To override the time conflict, you’ll need to ensure that the instructors for BOTH courses impacted are ok with this overlap and that you have a plan for any missed work or attendance. Then make sure you will not end up with two finals at the same time. If you meet these criteria, forward the confirmation from your instructors along with the 5 digit class number and any associated section you would like to add, and we can assist with overriding.

Dropping Courses in Summer Session

  • If you change your mind after enrolling, YOU must officially drop your course in your MyUCSC portal by the deadline to avoid receiving an F or NP (No Pass) and being responsible for tuition and fees. Click here for step-by-step directions.
  • You will not be dropped for non-payment. 

Failure to drop your course will result in billing you full tuition and fees. 

To Request a W from a Summer Course(es)

After the drop deadline has passed, you may withdraw from a class by requesting a W grade through your portal.

  • There are no refunds for a “W” grade. You are still responsible for paying your tuition and campus fee after you withdraw from a course. Once you submit your Request for "W," you cannot rescind it.
  • A “W” grade appears on your transcript. 
  • “W” grades may impact or jeopardize any summer financial aid you receive. The Financial Aid Office will be notified of your “W.”
  • “W” grades are not calculated in your GPA and cannot be removed.
  • There are, however, times when withdrawing from a class is the right choice. Consult with an advisor at your college about the benefits and drawbacks of withdrawing from a course.

After the request for W grade deadline, see the exception information below or email

Deadline Exceptions

Medical/Emergency Withdrawal

Continuing Students 
  • After the deadline, requests for retroactive drops or W grade exceptions are considered for documented medical or other emergency reasons - contact an advisor at your college if you would like to pursue this option. Summer Session does not need to see medical or emergency documentation. There are no refunds for a W grade. You are still responsible for paying your tuition and campus fee after a medical or emergency withdrawal.

Visiting Students 

  • After the deadline, requests for retroactive drops or W grade exceptions are considered for documented medical or other emergency reasons. Submit the visiting student deadline exception request form if you would like to pursue this option. There are no refunds for a W grade. You are still responsible for paying your tuition and campus fee after a medical or emergency withdrawal.

    Please note that retroactive drops, where the course is removed from your account, and the tuition is reversed, are typically granted for serious personal injury or illness, the recent death of an immediate family member, or military deployment. Retroactive drop exceptions are generally denied for reasons such as employment changes, dissatisfaction with a course, financial hardship, missed deadlines, and misunderstanding or failure to review policies.

Change Grade Option 

Continuing Students 

Visiting Students