Teaching Assistants (process, rates, timing)


  • Summer Session sums all enrollments per department, divides by 44, then allocates that number of TAships. The department selects the individual who will hold each TAship, and which class they will be placed with, Summer Session hires all TAs.


  • TAs are selected by departments and colleges. 
  • For inquiries about getting a summer TAship, please contact appropriate course sponsoring units (like your major department).
  • Our priority is hiring UCSC students as TAs. Exceptions needed for non-students.


  • TA minimum allocations are sent to managers on May 15. 
  • Begin submitting TA appointments
  • See Department and Divisional from 2012-present for reference.
  • Labs and art studios - work with Summer Session separately (like MCD Bio, METX, ART, for example)

Quick Links: Guide to Summer Payment Resources and FAQs

Hours and Payment

For further assistance on calculating appointment percentages over the Summer, please contact ueahr@ucsc.edu
  • The TA rate for 100 hours, pre-tax, will be based on their quarters of experience. TAs will be placed on the Experience Based Salary Scale as of the end of Spring quarter to determine the most appropriate rate. TA appointment letters will include their individual rates according to this placement. If you have any questions, please email the AHR team at ue-ahr@ucsc.edu.
    • During the summer, students who are U.S. citizens, Permanent Resident Aliens, and Resident Alien (for tax purposes), are not exempt from DCP Safe Harbor and Medicare Deductions. For more information regarding Safe Harbor and Medicare deduction please visit the Career Center website, General Employment Information.
    • If you have questions about your paycheck deductions, dependents you claimed, retirement etc. please contact Payroll at payhelp@ucsc.edu or 831-459-2488. Summer Session staff are unable to answer payroll-related questions.
  • There are no timesheets nor Cruzpay use. You are appointed for x hours, expected to work exactly x hours, and paid for x hours.

Receiving Paychecks

TAs who were employed during Spring quarter, and will not have a break in service between Spring and Summer, will receive their payment the same way (direct deposit or paper check) as they normally would during the year. 

TAs who are new or have had a break in service may receive a paper check sent via USPS to the last noted mailing address on file in UCPath. Instructors are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit as soon as their appointment begins, however, direct deposit is not guaranteed. Please note, it takes 1-2 pay cycles for direct deposit to become active. Given that Summer Session only has two scheduled pay dates, depending on your appointment pay date, direct deposit may not activate in time for processing.

Please visit your UCPath Self-Service portal and confirm your choices:

  • Employee Actions > Income & Taxes > Direct Deposit
  • Employee Actions > Personal Information > Home and Mailing Address

If you are a TA only for Summer Session:

  • Direct deposit is the fastest, most secure way to receive your paycheck. More information about direct deposit can be found on the Payroll Department’s website.
  • If you choose not to receive direct deposit, your paycheck will be delivered to your home address via the US Postal Service and may arrive 5-7 days after payday.

Payment Dates

  • Session 1 instructors - full pay August 1
  • Session 2 instructors - full pay September 1
  • 8wk - half August 1, half September 1
  • 10wk - half August 1, half September 1


Assigned responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following Teaching Assistant duties: 

  • Attending the assigned course
  • Conducting section meetings
  • Holding regular office hours
  • If assigned by the instructor of record,
    • Reading and assessing student papers, homework, and examinations
    • Grading, and posting grades and final grades by the University’s grade submission deadline for each quarter to the University’s designated grade platform (currently CANVAS). 

Additional specific responsibilities for the courses may be provided by the instructor of record, college, or department. Specific responsibilities will be determined by the instructor who will serve as your faculty supervisor. Your supervisor will be the course instructor, unless the instructor is a Graduate Student, then you will report to the Faculty Mentor listed on your appointment letter. 

TAs assigned to weekly secondary discussions or labs are expected to hold these sections on the days, times, and location published in the Office of the Registrar's schedule of classes. Any changes to the published schedule must be requested and approved by the department chair.

Purchasing and Resources

  • See the Graduate Division's TA Handbook for more information.
  • See our materials page for how to order eBooks, textbooks, desk copies, and readers.
  • Make no out-of-pocket expenses, Summer Session cannot reimburse you.

Parking passes, bus passes, and gym passes