Courses By General Education Code

Here is a list of courses for the Summer quarter listed by the General Education Code that they cover. Click [show] for each GE to see all available courses. To see which GEs you still need to fulfill, you can go to MyUCSC, click on the My Academics tile, and then click on the Advisement Report on the left.  

CC [show]

Session 1:

ANTH 2 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 130D The Cultural Aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

CLNI 80 International Feminist Perspectives (2 credits)

CLNI 92 Breaking Stereotypes: Muslim Arab, North African, and Middle Eastern Representation in US Media

HAVC 122F Bodies in Chinese Culture

HIS 101C Oceans in World History

HUMN 35 Language Technology: Themes Across Cultures and Histories

LALS 56 The Right to Health 

SPAN 5M Medical Spanish 

Session 2:

ANTH 110P India and Indian Diaspora through Film

CRES 153 A Radical History of the Korean War 

EART 30 Water in the Environment

LIT 80P Topics in Latin American Culture: Narratives of Environmental Crisis 

LIT 133K Contemporary Asian Literature: Contemporary East Asian Surrealist Fiction

LING 132 California Englishes

MUSC 80X Musics of South Asia


PHIL 22 - Introduction to Ethical Theory

DC [show]

Session 1:

ECON 197-01 Economic Rhetoric: Using Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence in Arguing Policy

PSYC 119V Adolescent Alcohol Use

Session 2:

ECON 197-02 Economic Rhetoric: Using Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence in Arguing Policy

PSYC 159D Psychology of Sexual Aggression

PSYC 159S Queer Intimacies

ER [show]

Session 1:

ANTH 130I Cultures of India

CRES 10 Critical Race and Ethnic Studies: An Introduction

EDUC 60 Schooling, Democracy, and Justice

EDUC 181 Race, Class, and Culture in Education

FMST 145 RAcial and Gender Formations in the U.S.

HISC 132 How to Break a Nation? De/Anti/Post Colonial Discourses

HUMN 45 Race and Technology

LIT 160H Narratives of Resistance: Anti-Zionist Jewish Literature

MUSC 11E Popular Global Music

SOCY 178Z Disability and Society

Session 2:

ANTH 130O Native Feminisms, Gender, and Settler Colonialism

CRES 159 Latinxs and the History of U.S. Policing

EDUC/CRES 121 The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies

HIS 10B United States HIstory, 1877 to 1977

HISC 130 Blackness and the Psychoanalytic Imaginary

LALS 1 Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies

LALS 45 Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender

MUSC 80F Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions

IM [show]

Session 1:

CMPM 80K Foundations of Video Game Design

CT 11 Digital Media Perspectives

FILM 136D Documentary Film and Video

HAVC 117 Contemporary Art of Africa 

HAVC 141Z Deep Dive: Museums of the Bay Area

JRLC 20 Understanding Popular Music

Session 2:

FILM 160 Film Genres

HAVC 47 Introduction To Contemporary Art

HAVC 143D Architecture and the City in Modern and Contemporary Visual Culture

HAVC 151 Greek Myths Antiquity to the Present

HIS 139M Murders, Witches, and Rebels: Depicting Difference in Colonial Latin America

HUMN 55 Technologies of Representation

LALS 75 Art and Social Change in Latin America: Diego Rivera

MUSC 80V The Music of The Beatles

THEA 10 Introduction to Theater Design and Technology 

THEA 20 Introductory Studies in Acting

MF [show]

Session 1:

AM 10 Mathematical Methods for Engineers I

ASTR 2 Overview of the Universe

LING 53 Semantics I

MATH 3-01 Precalculus 

MATH 11A-01 Calculus with Applications

MATH 11B-01 Calculus with Applications

MATH 19A-01 Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

MATH 19B-01 Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

MATH 21-01 Linear Algebra

MATH 23A-01 Vector Calculus

MATH 23B-01 Vector Calculus


PHYS 5A Introduction to Physics I

PHYS 6A Introductory Physics I

Session 2:

AM 20 Mathematical Methods for Engineers II

CSE 20 Beginning Programming in Python

EART 11 Earthquakes

LING 53 Semantics I

LIT 126T Time Travel Narratives

MATH 3-02 Precalculus 

MATH 11A-02 Calculus with Applications

MATH 11B-02 Calculus with Applications

MATH 19A-02 Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

MATH 19B-02 Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

MATH 21-02 Linear Algebra

MATH 21-03 Linear Algebra

MATH 22 Introduction to Calculus of Serveral Variables 

MATH 23A-02 Vector Calculus

MATH 23B-02 Vector Calculus

MATH 24 Ordinary Differential Equations 


MATH 100 Introduction to Proof and Problem Solving

PHIL 9 Introduction to Logic

PHYS 6A Introductory Physics 

PE-E [show]

Session 1:

ENVS 65 Introduction to Fresh Water: Processes and Policy

HISC 73 Can We Really 'Save' Animals?

JRLC 66 Extinction and Justice [multspecies justice]

MUSC 80K Listening to the Environment

Session 2:

ANTH 110I Cultures of Sustainability and Social Justice

ENVS 25 Environmental Policy & Economics

ENVS 80E Climate Justice

MUSC 150R Field Recording: Mapping and Composing Sound, Identity, and Place


BIOE 142L Animal Behavior in the Wild (A Virtual Field Course)


BIOE 126 Biology of Large Marine Vertebrates

PE-H [show]

Session 1:

ECON 1-01 Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure

ECON 20 Economics for Non-Majors

LALS 49 Chicana Political Organizing Histories

LIT 144G English Renaissance Literature: Unruly Minds - Mental Illness in English Renaissance Literature

PHIL 23 Philosophy of Cognitive Science

SOCY 1 Introduction to Sociology

SOCY 136 Social Psychology 

Session 2:

COWL 140 Designing Your Life

ECON 1-02 Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure

ECON 2 Introductory Macroeconomics: Aggregate Economic Activity

EDUC 10 Introduction to Learning

HISC 122 What is the Psyche?

LING 176 Variation in Language Processing

PSYC 1-01 Introduction to Psychology

PE-T [show]

Session 1:

CMPM 80H Human-Centered AI

CT 10 Understanding Digital Design

LALS 126 Digit@l Americ@s/Digit@l Latin@s 

SOCY 115 Introduction to Sound Studies

Session 2:

FILM 80V Video Games and Visual Culture

FILM 136C Visual Culture and Technology: History of New Media 

GCH/CSE 41 Clinical AI Applications for Health and Society


ART 80T Digital Tools for Contemporary Art Practice

PR-C [show]

Session 1:

ART 20G Introduction to Printmaking and Drawing

ART 20I Introduction to Photography

ART 135 Digital Painting

ARTG 92 Digital Presentation & Portfolio Design Across Disciplines (2 credits)

ENVS 18-01 Natural History Illustration

FILM 150 Screenwriting

FILM 171C Special Topics Workshop: Found Footage

KRSG 65W-01 Creative Writing

LIT 179C Methods & Materials Topic- Kicking up Dust: Interventions in Archives

MUSC 58 Songwriting Craft and Practice

MUSC 150Z Interdisciplinary Arts Production Lab

THEA 14-01 Drawing

THEA 30 Introduction to Dance Theory and Technique

THEA 31E The Dance Experience (2 credits)

Session 2:

ART 113 Illustrating Stories: Fantasy and Documentary Narratives

ARTG 91 Introduction to Game Art Production

CMPM 179 Game Design Practicum

CMPM 180 Topics in Computational Media

ENVS 18-02 Natural History Illustration

FILM 20P Introduction to Production Technique

KRSG 65W-02 Creative Writing

LALS 75L Art and Social Change in Latin America: Diego Rivera Lab (2 credits)

MUSC 55 Rhythms of North India (2 credits)

MUSC 73 Music and Ocean (3 credits)

PRTR 41 Improvisation

THEA 14-02 Drawing

10 Week:

ARTG 118 Character Creation for Video Games

ARTG 132 3D Character Rigging and Animation for Video Games

Special Session:

(Dates TBA) ART 155 Photo Field Research Quarter, California Road Trip

PR-E [show]

Session 1:

CMPM 120 Game Development Experience

HIS 4 History of the Present: Investigating the Historical Origins of Contemporary Problems

KRSG 2 The Power of Filmmaking 

LALS 56L The Right to Health Lab (2 credits)

Session 2:

KRSG 30 Theater for Public Speaking (2 credits)

PSYC 182 Qualitative Research Methods


CRWN 90 Start-up Entrepreneurship Academy (SEA)

PR-S [show]


CRWN 95 GetVirtual Business Assistance

Session 2:

COWL 168 Social Change (2 credits)

CMMU 165 Community Analysis for Global Health


CMMU 105A Full Time Field Study

CMMU 105B Full Time Field Study

CMMU 105C Full Time Field Study

LGST 185 Legal Studies Internship/Field Seminar: Experiences in Law, Policy, and Society

OAKS 188B Legal Field Practice: Professional Skills and Ethics (3 credits)

STEV 27 Service Learning (2 credits)

SI [show]

Session 1:

BIOL 80L Nutrition

BIOL 88 Studies in Medicine: Its Art, History, Science, and Philosophy

CHEM 3A General Chemistry

EART 5 California Geology

ENVS 23 The Physical and Chemical Environment

LING 50-01 Introduction to Linguistics

OCEA 1 The Oceans

Session 2:

ANTH 1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology

ANTH 3 Introduction to Archaeology

BIOL 80A Female Physiology and Gynecology

EART 3 Geology of National Parks

EART 10 Geologic Principles

GCH 1 Foundations for Global and Community Health 

HIS 151 History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from Antiquity to the Enlightenment 

LING 50-02 Introduction to Linguistics

SOCY 146 Introduction to Population Health


PHYS 5C Introduction to Physics III

PHYS 6B Introductory Physics II

PHYS 6C Introductory Physics III


HIS 101D World History of Science

PHYS 6C Introductory Physics III

SR [show]

Session 1:

ECON 113-01 Introduction to Econometrics 

STAT 5 Statistics

Session 2:

ECON 113-02 Introduction to Econometrics 

LALS 15 Truth, Justice, and Statistics 

LING 171 Psycholinguistics I

OCEA 90 Fundamentals of Climate

STAT 7 Statistical Methods For The Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences

STAT 17 Statistical Methods for Business and Economics

STAT 131 Statistics Introduction to Probability Theory


CSE 40 Machine Learning Basics: Data Analysis and Empirical Methods

PHYS 133 Intermediate Laboratory

TA [show]

Session 1:

ANTH 100-01 History and Theory of Biological Anthropology

CRWN 80F Science Fictions

HIS 39I Social & Economic History of US-Mexico Borderlands, 1848-Present

HISC 82 Another Brick in the Wall

HUMN 25 Humans and Machines: A History

LIT 61K Introduction to the Fairy Tale

MATH 181 History of Mathematics

MERR 60-01 Fake News: Its History and Why We Need Critical Media Literacy

Session 2:

ANTH 100-02 History and Theory of Biological Anthropology

HIS 100 Historical Skills and Methods

HIS 167A The First World War

HISC 164 Modern Monsters

HUMN 15 Ethics and Technology

LALS 151 Race & Mobility

LING 80K Invented Languages, from Elvish to Esperanto 

LIT 102 Translation Theory

LIT 111D-01 William Shakespeare

LIT 111D-02 William Shakespeare

LIT 112C Charles Dickens

LIT 124C The Contemporary Short Story

MERR 60-02 Fake News: Its History and Why We Need Critical Media Literacy

POLI 20 American Politics


PHIL 11 Introduction to Philosophy

[show] American History and Institutions Requirement

Session 2:

EDUC 164 Urban Education

HIS 10B United States History, 1877 to 1977