Pay for Only 10
What is Pay for Only 10?
This summer, all current and incoming UCSC and UC undergraduates will only pay for up to 10 credits of UCSC summer tuition. This means UC students can take more classes but pay for only 10 credits in tuition, making it less expensive to make degree progress this summer.
For example, a current UC student completing 10 credits of coursework will pay $3,134.90 [$2,790 in summer tuition plus the $344.90 Campus Fee]. Even if you take 15 or 20 credits this summer, you will pay the same $3,134.90. You can take the credits in any session throughout the summer quarter.
You can see this illustrated on the summer UC Campus Fee table.
How Do I Apply?
There is no application. Starting May 1, enroll through your MyUCSC. No additional UCSC summer tuition will be added to your account after the first 10 credits. Visiting UC students must register to enroll.
Will My Summer Financial Aid Be Affected?
The Pay for 10 discount will not affect Summer Financial Aid eligibility.
- UCSC students – use the Summer Grant Calculator (coming soon) to get an estimate
- Compare the estimate against the maximum $3,134.90 that you will pay in summer tuition.
Who is Eligible?
All current and incoming UC Santa Cruz and visiting summer-only UC students. A current student is defined as anyone who was enrolled full time and took classes at UCSC or another UC in the Spring.
The Pay for 10 program does not apply to visiting summer-only students or high school students.
What Classes Qualify?
All UC Santa Cruz undergraduate Summer Session courses qualify, including courses by department, independent studies that charge summer tuition, and summer Global Seminars. Pay for Only 10 applies to UC Santa Cruz Summer Session credits and does not include or pay for, credits from other UC campuses (for example, UC Irvine or UC Santa Barbara).
Summer dates and deadlines
Stay on top of key academic dates.
Tuition & fees
Curious about tuition costs and what fees you should expect to pay? Learn all about it here.
Financial aid
Need financial aid? Read about what options are available for your summer courses.
Pay for only 10
Learn how you can take more credits this summer while paying for only10 max.
Payment & refunds
All your questions about making payments and requesting and processing refunds answered right here.