Teaching and Learning Center

Teaching Resources for Summer Instructors


You can get quick answers to all of your questions about teaching and technology on the TLC’s Slack, a chat space that’s open to anyone in a teaching role at UC Santa Cruz

Drop-in Office Hours

Instructional designers and technologists are eager to support you during drop-in, virtual office hours each weekday, Monday through Friday (check current hours here). They are ready to connect with you about using learning technologies (like Canvas, Zoom, YuJa, Gradescope, Hypothesis, and more) for in-person and online courses. 

Individualized Consultations with Education Specialists and Instructional Designers

Instructors and TAs alike are encouraged to seek out 1:1 consultations with members of the TLC team, which includes education specialists and instructional designers who have different specialty areas. The team can provide support for assignment (re)design, making accessible course design choices, creating community with students, increasing student engagement, and more. Reach out to tlc@ucsc.edu to request a 1:1 consultation.

The UC Santa Cruz Guide to Teaching, Logistics, and Technology

This guide includes information about what to expect from your department or college, how to work with your extended teaching team, how to submit grades, and many other important topics. 

Additional Online Resources

Learn more about additional TLC resources available to you, like structuring effective courses, using equity-minded teaching practices, implementing active learning, and effective group work, and practices for making course materials accessible. Our website also provides helpful overviews and deeper dives into teaching with learning technologies