Visiting International (Summer Only) Cost of Attendance

Individual costs can vary based on the course you take. Prices are in U.S. dollars and are subject to change. 

Online: One Five Credit Course 

These estimates are for a 5-week, 5-credit class.

Type of Expense


Tuition for 5 Credits $1,395 ($279 per credit)
Campus Fee $344.90


In Person: One 5-Credit Courses

These estimates are for a for a 5-week, 5-credit program and do not include transportation to and from San Francisco International Airport to campus. Estimates are subject to change. 

Type of Expense


Tuition for 10 Credits $1,395.00 ($279 per credit)
Campus Fee $344.90
Housing and Dining $3100.00 (varies by room type)
Health Insurance $500.00 
International Student Fee $300.00


How to Calculate Costs for Additional Credits

Select classes and note the credit value of each course, for example:

  • MATH 19A: 5 credits
  • MATH 19B: 5 credits

Total credits: 10

Calculate Total Tuition: $279 x 10 = $2,790.00

Add Mandatory Campus Fee: $344.90

Add Health Insurance Fee: $500.00 [In Person Only]

Add International Fee: $300.00 [In Person Only]

Add Housing and Dining Fee: $3,100.00 [In Person Only]

This total does not include any additional living expenses, travel/visa expenses, or Course Materials and Services Fee(s). 

International Student Fee

The International Student Fee is assessed to all international visitors coming to UC Santa Cruz. Only Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) and U.S. passport holders are exempt from this fee. For more information, please refer to the Visa Information Section.

For students enrolled in classes held in person and require travel to campus, the International Student Fee becomes non-refundable once the visa document (I-20) has been issued. International Student Fees may be waived for partner institutions. 

This fee becomes non-refundable once your first enrolled session begins.

Course Materials and Services Fees

Some departments charge Course Materials and Services Fee for specific classes, such as those with science or computer labs, photography labs, art supplies, or similar costs. Courses with this fee should be noted in the Class Schedule, although the amounts may not be known at the time of publication.

Payment and Refunds

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • UC Santa Cruz Financial Aid or Scholarships are not available for Visiting International Students. 

Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year.  Figures for tuition and fees represent currently approved amounts and may not be final.  Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate.  Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented.