- Verification Form (requires student and school signatures)
- We cannot complete your registration until we receive this online form via DocuSign
- If your high school is closed, you can still call and email the main office. There is normally at least one staff person who can electronically receive and sign the DocuSign form.
- Online or Commuter Waiver and Information Packet (requires student and parent or guardian signatures)
- We cannot complete your registration until we receive your signed waiver and information packet via DocuSign
- Registration – Opens April 1
- Even if you took summer classes at UC Santa Cruz last year, all visiting students must register annually to enroll in courses
- The registration process is not immediate and involves multiple offices – we estimate it will take 1-2 business days to complete. To ensure you make the add deadline:
- Session 1 add deadline is June 26 – you should complete by Friday, June 20
- Session 2 add deadline is July 31 – you should complete by Friday, July 25
- 8-week classes add deadline is June 26 – you should complete by Friday, June 20
- 10-week classes add deadline is July 3 – you should complete by Friday, June 27
- Add Class(es) – Starting May 2 (once steps 1-3 are complete)
- Tuition and fees will be added to your student account after you add a course
*The deadline to register is separate from the deadline to enroll in a summer course. As long as you register by the deadline, you can add courses until the add deadline. No exceptions made after the deadline.
Eligibility exceptions
The transition from high school to college coursework is significant, which is why we recommend that students complete their sophomore or junior year of high school before taking summer classes. Still, we acknowledge that individual high school students can be ready for this transition earlier. To qualify for an exception, you must:
- Have completed a minimum of one year of high school
- Be a minimum of 14 years old
- Meet the 3.0 GPA requirement
- Understand that any grades you receive will go on your permanent academic record
- Have your high school counselor or principal agree to the exception on your DocuSign Verification Form
After You Register
- Staff will begin processing the moment your payment and verification form, and waiver are received. It can take 1-2 business days to set up your accounts
- When processing is complete, you will receive an email with details, confirming you are now active to enroll in summer classes.
- Please use navigating MyUCSC for assistance with adding classes, changing passwords, etc.
Summer dates and deadlines
Stay on top of key academic dates.
High school summer opportunities
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Questions about the High School Summer University? Email us!