Aerial of Porter Bridge on UCSC campus

Grades and Transcripts

Official transcripts

  • Official transcripts are available approximately two weeks following the end of each session and are ordered here.
  • Unofficial transcripts are free and found in your portal.
  • Visiting UC students: transcripts for other UC students attending UCSC for the summer will be sent automatically to your home UC campus, as long as all fees are paid and you do not have any disciplinary holds on your records. Transcripts are typically mailed the third week of September.

All Summer Session students requiring official verification of enrollment for Summer Session can download the request form. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for questions regarding enrollment verifications.

Undergraduate grading policy

If enrolled in a course for a letter grade, students will receive a grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F, W (Withdraw), or I (Incomplete). If enrolled in a course for Pass/No Pass, students will receive a grade of P (Pass), NP (No Pass), W (Withdraw), or I (Incomplete). Letter grading is the default unless you are a UCSC undergraduate student admitted to a UCSC degree program before fall 2001. You may change your grading option until the appropriate deadlines listed in the Calendar.

If you are uncertain about whether to choose Pass/No Pass grading, consult your college academic preceptor, departmental advisor, or the institution you currently attend. 

Repeating courses

  • To determine if you are eligible to repeat a course for credit, please refer to the Repeating Courses section in the Navigator.

Grade-point average

Information on how to calculate your UCSC grade point average (GPA) available in The Navigator. Students are subject to different rules for the UCSC GPA depending on date of first enrollment. Information is also available regarding the UC Grade Point Average.

Graduate student grading policy

Incomplete grades

  • The notation “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned when work for a course is of passing quality but is not complete. You must make arrangements with the instructor to receive an Incomplete. To remove the Incomplete from each course, you must complete the course work and file the Petition for Removal of Incomplete by the last day of the Fall Quarter, unless the instructor specifies an earlier date.
  • Incomplete grades lapse to an NP or F at the end of Fall Quarter, depending upon the grading option you have selected for that course. Refer to the Incomplete Grade Notation section of The Navigator for more information.

Grades online 

  • All summer students may access grades for any quarter via For step-by-step instructions, see You will need your CruzID and password. If you forget your CruzID or password and have not set up your ‘Forgot My Password” hint, please contact the Help Desk at or (831) 459-HELP (4357).

Optional evaluations for undergrads

  • UC Santa Cruz has an optional system for evaluating academic performance. Instructors have the option to write evaluations in narrative form for undergraduate, credit-granting coursework for any student in her or his class. In each course for which you receive a P (Pass) or grade of D or better, you may, therefore, receive an evaluation of your academic performance (beyond the assignment of a simple letter grade.)

Evaluations on the web

  • If an instructor has provided a narrative evaluation, you may access the evaluation at Select ‘My Student Center’ from the left-hand menu, then ‘Evaluations’ (from the same menu).

Last modified: Feb 25, 2025