Enrolling in Classes

Course Enrollment

Once you have your classes in mind, it is time to enroll (otherwise know as adding your classes). 

  1. You can visit Class Search (aka the Schedule of Classes) starting March 15 to see course dates & times or can you can get to it through your MyUCSC Student Portal.
  2. You can also refine your search by Session, GE requirement, meeting days, modality and more.
  • Term “2025 Summer Quarter”
  • Status “All Classes” [this will show you classes that might have a small waitlist you can join]
  • If you plan to live on campus for the Edge Residential Experience, select “Summer Session 2 (5 Weeks)” from the dropdown to enroll in a Session 2 class.

You can also refine your search by Session, GE requirement, meeting days, modality and more. 

Class search filter

How-to PDF series

How-to video series

Prerequisites/error messages

  • UCSC students must meet the prerequisites for classes they enroll in. As a new admit, many transcripts and test scores are not required by Undergraduate Admissions until later in the summer, or they have not yet been processed. You may need to take an extra step to show proof of completed prerequisites before you enroll in classes that require them.
  • If you try to enroll in a class with prerequisites or restrictions and get an error message, don’t worry – this is common. Follow the next steps for “newly admitted students” in the Class Notes section in Class Search (opens March 15 for Summer Quarter 2025) or email summeredge@ucsc.edu for support. 

Class Notes

If you are interested in a class, check the “Class Notes” section of each class for any summer-specific details. Follow the directions for “Newly Admitted”, “UCSC Students” or “All Students.” You are not considered a “Visiting Student.”  

Math placement

  • The first step is to make sure you know what the introductory math requirements are for your intended major. Not all majors or minors require math coursework
  • If you know you’d like to start with math, visit our Start Math this Summer page. 
Last modified: Feb 26, 2025