Summer Minors
Do something major this summer, start a minor!
The minor in anthropology has a total of 10 courses required: three lower-division and seven upper-division courses. There is no theory course or senior comprehensive requirement for the minor in anthropology.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- ANTH 1 [In Person]
- ANTH 2 [In Person]
- ANTH 3 [Online]
- ANTH 100 [Online] – Fulfills Biological, Medical, or Environmental Anthropology requirement.
- ANTH 101 [In Person]
- ANTH 110I [Online]
- ANTH 110P [Online]
- ANTH 124 [In Person]
- ANTH 130D [In Person]
- ANTH 130I [Online] – Fulfills Regional Specialization requirement.
- ANTH 130O [In Person] – Fulfills Regional Specialization requirement.
Applied Mathematics
The applied mathematics minor is available for students who wish to develop (1) proficiency in modeling real-life problems using mathematics; and (2) knowledge of standard, practical analytical and numerical methods for the solution of these models. This minor could be combined with a major in any of the physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences as preparation for a graduate degree in that field or in applied mathematics.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 10 [Online]
- AM 20* [Online]
- AM 30* [Online]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 21* [Online]
- MATH 23A [Online]
- MATH 23B [Online]
- MATH 24 [In Person]
- MATH 103A [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
- MATH 117 [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
- ECE 103 [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
- ECE 141 [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
- PHYS 139A [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
- STAT 131 [In Person] – Fulfills Applied-Mathematics Elective requirement.
Assistive Technology
The assistive technology minor is designed for students interested in helping people with movement disabilities. The emphasis is on designing exoskeletons and robots built on two core cross-disciplinary courses: Mechatronics (ECE 118) and Functional Anatomy (METX 135 & METX 135L).
The minor requirements may satisfy the requirements of other majors or minors under the campus policy discussed under Major and Minor Requirements. Because of the large number of courses required, it is most suitable for students in majors already requiring a substantial number of these courses. The minor cannot be combined with the Assistive Technology: Motor concentration of the former bioengineering major or the Robotics Engineering B.S. major. ECE 121, ECE 141 and ECE 167 cannot also be used to satisfy electrical engineering B.S. electives.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 10 [Online]
- AM 20* [Online]
- BIOE 20B [Online]
- CHEM 3A* [Online]
- CSE 12 [Online]
- ECE 13 [In Person]
- ECE 101 [In Person]
- ECE 101L [In Person]
- ECE 103 [In Person]
- ECE 141 [In Person]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 21* [Online]
- MATH 24 [In Person]
- METX 135 [In Person]
- METX 135L [In Person]
- PHYS 5A [In Person]
- PHYS 5C [In Person]
- PHYS 5L [In Person]
- PHYS 5N [In Person]
The Astrophysics Minor has a total of 8 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Calculus requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Calculus requirement
- MATH 23A [Online] – Fulfills Advanced Calculus requirement.
- PHYS 5A [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 5L [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 5C [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 5N [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 6A [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 6L [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 6B [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 6M [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 6N [In Person] – Fulfills Physics requirement.
- PHYS 133 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Astronomy Elective requirement.
Bioelectronics and Biophotonics
The Bioelectronics and Biophotonics Minor has a total of 19 courses required: 7 lower division courses and 8 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
The Bioinformatics minor cannot be combined with the Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics major.
The Bioinformatics minor has a total of 11 courses required: 5 lower division courses and 6 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- BIOL 105 [In Person] – Fulfills Genetics requirement.
- CHEM 3A* [In Person] – Fulfills Chemistry requirement.
- MATH 11A [Online] – Fulfills Single-Variable Calculus requirement.
- MATH 11B [Online] – Fulfills Single-Variable Calculus requirement.
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Single-Variable Calculus requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Single-Variable Calculus requirement.
- STAT 131 [Online] – Fulfills Statistics requirement.
Students complete one upper-division elective of five credits or more chosen from BIOE 100-181 or BIOL 100-181.
The Biology Minor has a total of 12 courses required: 8 lower division courses and 4 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- BIOL 100 [In Person]
- BIOL 101 [In Person]
- BIOL 105 [In Person]
- BIOL 121L [In Person]
- BIOE 20B [Online]
- BIOE 107 [Online]
- BIOE 109 [Online]
- BIOE 118 [In Person]
- BIOE 122 [In Person]
- BIOE 122L [In Person]
- BIOE 126 [Online]
- BIOE 127 [In Person]
- BIOE 127L [In Person]
- BIOE 131 [In Person]
- BIOE 131L [In Person]
- BIOE 133 [Online]
- BIOE 133L* [Online]
- BIOE 140 [Online]
- BIOE 142L [Online]
- CHEM 3A* [In Person]
- CHEM 3B [In Person]
- CHEM 3C [In Person]
- CHEM 8A [In Person]
- CHEM 8B [In Person]
Black Studies
CRES 68, Approaches to Black Studies is the expected foundational course. (Students may substitute it with CRES 10, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies: An Introduction), students will undertake an additional 25 credits drawn from the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences divisions. Students who wish to substitute a course not on the approved upper-division list should complete the Petition for Course Credit form available on the CRES website. A maximum of two courses may be petitioned for credit.
The Black Studies minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
All courses used to satisfy requirements of the minor must be taken for a letter grade and earn a grade of C or higher.
The Chemistry minor has a total of 23 courses required: 18 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 30* [Online]
- CHEM 3A* [In Person]
- CHEM 3B [In Person]
- CHEM 3BL [In Person]
- CHEM 3C [In Person]
- CHEM 3CL [In Person]
- CHEM 8A [In Person]
- CHEM 8L [In Person]
- CHEM 8B [In Person]
- CHEM 8M [In Person]
- MATH 11A [Online]
- MATH 11B [Online]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 22 [In Person]
- MATH 23A [Online]
- MATH 23B [Online]
- PHYS 5A [In Person]
- PHYS 5C [In Person]
- PHYS 5L [In Person]
- PHYS 5N [In Person]
- PHYS 6A [In Person]
- PHYS 6L [In Person]
- PHYS 6B [In Person]
- PHYS 6C [In Person]
- PHYS 6M [In Person]
- PHYS 6N [In Person]
Computer Engineering
The Computer Engineering minor has a total of 19 courses required: 12 are lower division courses and 7 are upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 20* [Online] – Fulfills Math requirement.
- CSE 12 [Online]
- CSE 13S [In Person]
- CSE 20 [Online]
- ECE 13 [In Person]
- ECE 101 [In Person]
- ECE 101L [In Person]
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Math requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Math requirement.
- MATH 24 [In Person] – Fulfills Math requirement.
- PHYS 5A [In Person]
- PHYS 5L [In Person]
- PHYS 5C [In Person]
- PHYS 5N [In Person’
- PHYS 6A [In Person]
- PHYS 6L [In Person]
- PHYS 6C [In Person]
- PHYS 6N [In Person]
Computer Science
The Computer Science minor has a total of 13 courses required.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 10 [Online]
- CSE 12 [Online]
- CSE 13S [In Person]
- CSE 20 [Online]
- CSE 102 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division CSE requirement.
- CSE 115A* [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division CSE requirement.
- CSE 118 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- CSE 151 [In Person]
- CSE 151L [In Person]
- CSE 186 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECE 13 [In Person]
- MATH 11A [Online]
- MATH 11B [Online]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 21* [Online]
The Dance Minor has a total of 8 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- THEA 30 [In Person] – Fulfills Lower Division Creative Practice requirement.
Earth Sciences
The Earth Sciences Minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
East Asian Studies
The East Asian Studies minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Additional lower-division coursework in Chinese or Japanese language may be needed in order to gain the proficiency necessary to take the upper-division Chinese or Japanese language courses required for this minor.
Minor classes offered this summer:
The Economics Minor has a total of 11 courses required: 5 lower division courses and 6 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 30* [Online]
- ECON 1 [Online]
- ECON 2 [Online]
- ECON 100A [Online]
- ECON 100B [Online]
- ECON 101 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 113 [Online]
- ECON 125 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 133 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 149 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 161A [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 197 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- MATH 11A [Online]
- MATH 11B [Online]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 22 [In Person]
- MATH 23A [Online]
- STAT 17 [In Person]
- STAT 17L [In Person]
To officially declare a general minor in education, students must submit a petition in MyUCSC and share their major Academic Planning Form with the department’s undergraduate advisor. Students pursuing a minor in education should meet with the Education Department’s peer advisor as early as possible.
The Education minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- EDUC 60 [Online]
- EDUC 105* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- EDUC 135 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- EDUC 164 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- EDUC 166* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- EDUC 181 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
Electrical Engineering
The electrical engineering minor provides a solid foundation in the core areas of electronic circuits and signals and systems, as well as the prerequisite material in mathematics and physics. Concentration of upper-division electives in either of the major tracks constitutes substantial and focused work in the discipline of electrical engineering. This minor is particularly suitable for students with majors in applied physics or any Baskin Engineering major.
The Electrical Engineering minor has a total of 15 courses required: 6 lower division and 8 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 10 [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- AM 20* [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- AM 30* [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- ECE 101 [In Person]
- ECE 101L [In Person]
- ECE 103 [In Person]
- ECE 141 [In Person] – Fulfills Digital Hardware, Power Energy, Communications Signal Processing and Electronics and Photonics Concentration Elective requirement.
- ECE 151 [In Person] – Fulfills Robotics and Automation and Digital Hardware Concentration Elective requirement.
- ECE 171 [In Person]
- ECE 171L [In Person]
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 21* [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 23A [Online] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 24 [In Person] – Fulfills Mathematics requirement.
- PHYS 5A [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 5L [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 5C [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 5N [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 6A [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 6L [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 6C [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
- PHYS 6N [In Person] – Fulfills Science requirement.
Electronic Music
The Electronic Music Minor is designed to complement the Music Major or programs in other media by providing instruction in advanced skills of audio production, sound synthesis, and computer-assisted composition.
The Electronic Music Minor as a total of 10 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 7 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- CSE 20 [In Person] – Fulfills Programming requirement.
- ECE 101 [In Person] – Fulfills Programming requirement.
- ECE 171 [In Person] – Fulfills Programming requirement.
- MUSC 11E [Online] – Fulfills Music Survey requirement.
- MUSC 14 [In Person] – Fulfills Music Theory requirement.
- MUSC 73 [Online] – Fulfills Workshop requirement.
- MUSC 150R [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Elective requirement.
Film and Digital Media
The Film and Digital Media Minor has a total of 8 courses required: 2 lower division courses and 6 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- FILM 20A [Online]
- FILM 120 [Online]
- FILM 136C [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- FILM 136D [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- FILM 160 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- FILM 194H* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
Global Information Social Enterprise Studies
The Global Information Social Enterprise Studies Minor has a total of 7 courses required: 1 lower division course and 6 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- ANTH 110I [Online]
- ANTH 130I [Online]
- ANTH 130O [In Person]
- CSE 118 [Online]
- ECON 149 [In Person]
- ECON 161A [Online]
- EDUC 135 [In Person]
- EDUC 164 [Online]
- EDUC 166* [Online]
- EDUC 181 [In Person]
- ENVS 110 [Online]
- ENVS 130A [In Person]
- ENVS 130C [In Person]
- ENVS 145 [Online]
- FILM 136C [In Person]
- FILM 136D [Online]
- POLI 105C [In Person]
- POLI 111A [In Person]
- POLI 118 [In Person]
- POLI 160A [In Person]
- POLI 160B [Online]
- POLI 160D [In Person]
- PSYC 129 [In Person]
- PSYC 145 [In Person]
- PSYC 149 [In Person]
- PSYC 167 [Online]
- SOCY 115 [Online]
- SOCY 126 [Online]
- SOCY 127P [Online]
- SOCY 136 [Online]
- SOCY 146 [Online]
- SOCY 178Z [Online]
The History minor has a total of 8 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- HIS 4 [In Person]
- HIS 10B [In Person]
- HIS 39I [In Person]
- HIS 100 [Online]
- HIS 101C [In Person]
- HIS 101D [Online]
- HIS 139M [Online]
- HIS 151 [Online]
History of Art and Visual Culture
History of Art and Visual Culture minor has a total of 9 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 6 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
History of Consciousness
The History of Consciousness Minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- HISC 122* [Online]
- HISC 132 [Online]
- HISC 164* [Online]
Italian Studies
Students interested in an interdisciplinary approach to Italian culture through the combined study of language, literature, history, and art history may pursue a minor in Italian studies.
The Italian Studies minor has a total of 11 courses required: 6 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- LIT 102 [In Person] – Fulfills Italian Literature course requirement.
Jazz, Spontaneous Composition and Improvisation
The Jazz, Spontaneous Composition, and Improvisation minor focuses on the study of the history, theory, and performance of jazz and other improvised musics. In addition, students may be introduced to musical styles that have had profound influences on the uniquely American art form of jazz: folk and popular musics of Africa, Europe, South Asia and the United States and Western classical music. The Jazz, Spontaneous Composition, and Improvisation minor is limited to students who have sufficient performance proficiency to pass auditions for entry into the jazz ensembles.
The Jazz, Spontaneous Composition and Improvisation minor has a total of 8 courses required: 4 lower division courses and at least 4 upper division courses.
Jewish Studies
The Jewish Studies Minor has a total of 8 courses required: 1 lower division courses and 7 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer: N/A
Language Studies
Students must demonstrate a level of competency in the language of concentration. This is accomplished by completing one of the Level 6 language courses, or its equivalent.
The Language Studies Minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
Latin American/Latino Studies
The Latin American/Latino Studies minor has a total of 7 courses required: 2 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
Legal Studies
Legal Studies Minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division course and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
The Linguistics Minor has a total of 7 courses required: 2 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
Students who minor in literature take courses that examine a variety of literary and visual texts and cultural artifacts from around the world, produced from pre-antiquity through the present.
The Literature Minor has a total of 7 courses required: 2 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- LIT 61K [Online] – Fulfills LIT 61 requirement.
- LIT 80P* [Online] – Fulfills LIT 80 requirement.
- LIT 111D [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 112C [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 120F [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 124C [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 126T* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 133K [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 144G* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 160H* [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
- LIT 179C [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Literature requirement.
The Mathematics Minor has a total of 10 courses required: 5 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- AM 10 [Online]
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 21* [Online]
- MATH 23A [Online]
- MATH 23B [Online]
- MATH 100 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 103A [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 105A [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 110 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 115 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 117 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 134 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 181 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 194* [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- STAT 131 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
Middle Eastern and North African Studies
To complete the minor, students must take three quarters of language instruction in Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian, or complete the highest-level course of their chosen language.
The minor consists of completing the language requirement and six additional courses from at least two different departments.
The Middle Eastern and North African Studies Minor has a total of 9 courses required: 4 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Courses offered this summer: N/A
The Philosophy Minor has a total of 7 courses required: 2 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
The Physics Minor has a total of 11 courses required: 6 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- PHYS 5A [In Person]
- PHYS 5C [In Person]
- PHYS 5L [In Person]
- PHYS 5N [In Person]
- PHYS 6A [In Person]
- PHYS 6L [In Person]
- PHYS 6B [In Person]
- PHYS 6C [In Person]
- PHYS 6M [In Person]
- PHYS 6N [In Person]
- PHYS 133 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division requirement.
- MATH 19A [Online]
- MATH 19B [Online]
- MATH 23A [Online]
- MATH 23B [Online]
- ECE 101 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECE 103 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECE 141 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECE 171 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
Students select two subfields‘ core series and are required to complete two core classes in each.
The Politics Minor has a total of 6 courses required: 1 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- POLI 3 [In Person]
- POLI 20 [In Person]
- POLI 65 [In Person]
- POLI 105A [In Person] – Fulfills Theory requirement.
- POLI 105C [In Person] – Fulfills Theory requirement.
- POLI 111A [In Person]
- POLI 118 [In Person]
- POLI 160A [In Person] – Fulfills Global Politics/International Relations requirement.
- POLI 160B [Online] – Fulfills Global Politics/International Relations requirement.
- POLI 160D [In Person] – Fulfills Global Politics/International Relations requirement.
Math placement is required for one or more of the foundational courses for this minor.
The Statistics minor has a total of 11 courses required: 6 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- MATH 11A [Online] – Fulfills Basic Calculus Sequence requirement.
- MATH 11B [Online] – Fulfills Basic Calculus Sequence requirement.
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Basic Calculus Sequence requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Basic Calculus Sequence requirement.
- MATH 21* [Online] – Fulfills Linear Algebra requirement.
- MATH 22 [In Person] – Fulfills Multivariate Calculus requirement.
- MATH 23A [Online] – Fulfills Multivariate Calculus requirement.
- MATH 23B [Online] – Fulfills Multivariate Calculus requirement.
- MATH 105A [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- STAT 5 [In Person] – Fulfills Statistical Concepts requirement.
- STAT 7 [In Person] – Fulfills Statistical Concepts requirement.
- STAT 7L [In Person] – Fulfills Statistical Concepts requirement.
- STAT 17 [Online] – Fulfills Statistical Concepts requirement.
- STAT 17L [Online] – Fulfills Statistical Concepts requirement.
- CSE 20 [Online] – Fulfills Computer Programming requirement.
- AM 10 [Online] – Fulfills Linear Algebra requirement.
- AM 30* [Online] – Fulfills Multivariate Calculus requirement.
- ECON 113 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
Sustainability Studies
During the program, students will design and participate in service-learning projects in collaboration with on- and off-campus units, agencies, and organizations; and apply the knowledge and skills acquired through the minor.
No specific prior preparation or prerequisites are required for entry to the minor.
The Sustainability Studies minor has a total 5 courses required: 0 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- ART 125 [In Person] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- BIOE 107 [Online] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- ENVS 110 [Online] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- ENVS 130A [In Person] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- ENVS 130C [In Person] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- ENVS 145 [Online] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
- HIS 101C [In Person] – Fulfills Breadth Elective requirement.
Technology and Information Management
Math placement is required for one or more of the foundational courses for the Technology and Information Management Minor.
The Technology and Information Management Minor has a total of 10 courses required: 5 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
- MATH 11A [Online] – Fulfills Lower Division Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 11B [Online] – Fulfills Lower Division Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 19A [Online] – Fulfills Lower Division Mathematics requirement.
- MATH 19B [Online] – Fulfills Lower Division Mathematics requirement.
- CSE 20 [In Person] – Fulfills Computer Programming requirement.
- ECON 100A [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 100B [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Elective requirement.
- ECON 113 [Online] – Fulfills Upper Division Mathematics requirement.
- STAT 131 [In Person] – Fulfills Upper Division Mathematics requirement.
Theater Arts
There are no course requirements for declaring the Theater Arts minor, though individual courses may have enrollment prerequisites, and a major must be officially declared before a minor may be declared.
The Theater Arts minor has a total of 8 courses required: 3 lower division courses and 5 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer:
Western Art Music
The Western Art Music minor has a total of 17 courses required: 7 lower division courses and 10 upper division courses.
Minor classes offered this summer: N/A
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