Summer Revenue Share

In 2011, the CP/EVC approved a formulaic distribution of Summer Session tuition revenue to incentivize summer enrollment growth and support department costs associated with summer course offerings. In 2016, this revenue model was expanded to include a divisional component, offsetting permanent divisional budget reductions made effective in fiscal year 2017.  The Summer Revenue Share model was again augmented beginning Summer 2022 to include additional revenue share for summer courses taught by a graduate student instructor (GSI).

Based upon final Summer Session enrollment, the Summer Revenue Share model provides funding as follows:

  • Academic departments receive $5 per course unit per student for regular courses and $60 per unit per student for undergraduate independent study courses.
  • Academic divisions receive $20 per course unit per student.
  • Departments also receive incentive funding of $100 per course unit for any summer course taught by a graduate student instructor (GSI).  GSI incentive funding is to be used to support the mentorship and training of GSIs.  As such, these funds should be spent within one to two years of receipt.

For example, a 5-unit course with 30 students enrolled would generate a $750 revenue share for the department (5 units x 30 students x $5) and $3,000 revenue share for the division (5 units x 30 students x $20).   If that course were taught by a GSI, an additional $500 revenue share (5 units x $100) would go to the department sponsoring the course for investment in GSI mentorship and training.

The approved Summer Session revenue share described above is distributed annually after the Institutional Research Assessment and Policy Studies (IRAPS) organization publishes the official Summer Session student enrollment detail here:

This information ican also be found on the Budget Analysis and Planning website. A spreadsheet of historical revenue share is available from the Summer Session Office (email

Last modified: Feb 14, 2025