Reader Employment


  • New Reader Hour Allocation process. Departing from our previous Reader process, we will rely on your knowledge and expertise; you let us know what Reader support you need! We will gather this information from you on June 10 via your department Call.
  • Requests for Readers should be made to your Department, College Manager, or Program Director.
  • Readers can work a total of 2 Readerships (200 hours max) per five-week session. 4 Readerships (400 hours max) per summer.
  • Reader appointment hours can be divided in any configuration (25, 50, 100 hours, etc.)


  • Our priority is hiring UCSC students as Readers. Exceptions needed for non-students.
  • The Summer Session and AHR offices will hire Readers on a rolling basis until the initial mid-June deadlines. Late exception will be processed until the mid-session final deadlines. 
  • You can begin submitting Readers after the TA Estimate has been sent. 

Please note, when a Reader  is hired after the initial June deadlines, the following applies:

  • Readers cannot start working until they have received and accepted their appointment letter via email. 
  • Payments may be delayed or off the regular summer cycle. 

The final Reader hiring deadlines are as follows (no exceptions):

  • 7/11: Session 1 
  • 7/18: 8-Week 
  • 8/1: 10-Week  
  • 8/15: Session 2 


  • 2025 compensation for Teaching Assistants and Readers
  • Readers can work a total of 2 Readerships (200 hours max) per five-week session, 4 Readerships (400 hours max) per summer.
  • Readers are paid for the hours provided in their appointment letters.
  • There is no CruzPay to input hours or approve for summer work.
  • For questions about Reader pay rate, please email the AHR team at

Quick Links: Guide to Summer Payment Resources and FAQs

Receiving paychecks 

Readers who were employed during Spring quarter, and will not have a break in service between Spring and Summer, will receive their payment the same way (direct deposit or paper check) as they normally would during the year. 

Readers who are new or have had a break in service may receive a paper check sent via USPS to the last noted mailing address on file in UCPath. Instructors are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit as soon as their appointment begins, however, direct deposit is not guaranteed. Please note, it takes 1-2 pay cycles for direct deposit to become active. Given that Summer Session only has two scheduled pay dates, depending on your appointment pay date, direct deposit may not activate in time for processing.

Please visit your UCPath Self-Service portal and confirm your choices:

  • Employee Actions > Income & Taxes > Direct Deposit
  • Employee Actions > Personal Information > Home and Mailing Address

If you are a TA only for Summer Session:

  • Direct deposit is the fastest, most secure way to receive your paycheck. More information about direct deposit can be found on the Payroll Department’s website.
  • If you choose not to receive direct deposit, your paycheck will be delivered to your home address via the US Postal Service and may arrive 5-7 days after payday.


Your assigned responsibilities for the term of this appointment may include any of the following:

  • Grading of student work, including homework, papers, laboratory reports, and exams
  • Attending lecture or labs; and meeting with your supervisor.

You cannot tutor or lead classroom activities in the Reader title. Specific responsibilities will be provided by your supervisor. Your supervisor will be the course instructor, unless the instructor is a Graduate Student, then you will report to his or her Faculty Mentor as in your appointment letter. 

Union represented

If you are assigned to any Academic Student Employee (ASE) title (Reader, Tutor, Teaching Assistant, Associate In, or Teaching Fellow), your appointment is covered by a Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the ASE/UAW establishes the terms and conditions of your employment. 

Submitting applications

We do not review applications for volunteer or paid Reader. Departments and colleges select readers, and tutors. For inquiries, please contact appropriate course sponsoring units (like your major department). 

These links might also be helpful:

Last modified: Feb 19, 2025