Lecture Capture Service

Lecture Capture is an optional service that instructors may elect to use to record their in-room sessions for students to review later. The Lecture Capture service will create a video recording of what is sent to the projector and audio of the instructor’s voice. It can also optionally capture the video stream from an in-room camera that is directed at the front of the room. Audio is captured either from a lapel mic that the instructor wears, or from mics mounted in the room. Recordings are made available to the class members in the YuJa media management system. Learn more about Lecture Capture on this ITS Lecture Capture webpage.

Schedule your Lecture Capture recordings here: lecturecapture.ucsc.edu. You will need to log in with your UCSC Gold credentials.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at help@ucsc.edu, or drop into daily online Office Hours.

Schedule the Service (for Instructors Only)

  • Courses are captured only with the permission of the course instructor. You must specifically request Lecture Capture be scheduled for your class. Schedule Lecture Capture
  • Lecture Capture files are only available during the quarter of the course’s instruction.
  • The service records lectures and presentations and makes the recordings available for viewing online. The service does not live-stream. Recordings are available only to the students and instructors enrolled in each class. Online viewing requires:
    • A broadband Internet connection
    • A compatible platform (Windows or Mac)
    • A compatible browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari)
    • Access to YuJa, either directly or through Canvas
  • Lecture Capture uses the YuJa Media Management system to store and share recordings. Learn more about YuJa Media Management

Recording of Students

Instructors should advise students when recording is happening. Notify students that they can pose their questions after class or during office hours if they don’t want their voices recorded. It is important to advise the students in advance that the recordings are occurring and that they have an alternative means to allow for questions. With these notifications, they should have a reduced expectation of privacy.

If you have questions about Lecture Capture, create an online request ticket or email help@ucsc.edu

Last modified: Feb 14, 2025