Graduate Student Instructor Employment

GSI pay (rates, dates and paychecks)

Quick Links: Guide to Summer Payment Resources and FAQs

Receiving Paychecks

Graduate Students who are employed for the full academic year will receive their payment the same way (direct deposit or paper check) as they normally would during the year.

Graduate Students who are new or have had a break in service may receive a paper check sent via USPS to the last noted mailing address on file in UCPath. Instructors are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit as soon as their appointment begins, however, direct deposit is not guaranteed. Please note, it takes 1-2 pay cycles for direct deposit to become active. Given that Summer Session only has two scheduled pay dates, depending on your appointment pay date, direct deposit may not activate in time for processing.

Please visit your UCPath Self-Service portal and confirm your choices:

  • Employee Actions > Income & Taxes > Direct Deposit
  • Employee Actions > Personal Information > Home and Mailing Address

If you are teaching only for Summer Session:

  • Direct deposit is the fastest, most secure way to receive your paycheck. More information about direct deposit can be found on the Payroll Department’s website.
  • If you choose not to receive direct deposit, your paycheck will be delivered to your home address via the US Postal Service and may arrive 5-7 days after payday.

Payment Dates

  • Session 1 instructors – full pay August 1
  • Session 2 instructors – full pay September 1
  • 8wk – half August 1, half September 1
  • 10wk – half August 1, half September 1

During the summer, students who are U.S. citizens, Permanent Resident Aliens, and Resident Alien (for tax purposes), are not exempt from DCP Safe Harbor and Medicare Deductions. For more information regarding Safe Harbor and Medicare deduction, please visit the Career Center website, General Employment Information.

If you have questions about your paycheck deductions, dependents you claimed, retirement, etc., please contact Payroll at or 831-459-2488. Summer Session staff are unable to answer payroll-related questions.

Pay Rate

Faculty Mentor

The appointing unit agrees to provide faculty oversight and mentoring to the GSI/TA.At a minimum, this entails appointing a faculty member who will:

  1. Oversee the course description, reading list, and submission of final grades and optional narrative evaluations.
  2. Review the last three sets of student evaluations for the appointee and meet prior to the beginning of the course to discuss any issues.
  3. Meet with the GSI before instruction begins to discuss course content, pedagogy, logistics, tests and assignments, grading and evaluation, and the faculty code of conduct.
  4. Conduct one class visit and follow-up meeting with the GSI within the first third of the teaching quarter.
  5. Meet again with the GSI and with the TA(s) (if any) in the second half of the quarter to discuss how the course is going. Be available to discuss matters related to the course throughout the quarter.
  6. Act as formal supervisor of any TAs associated with the course. This includes ensuring that the TAs are given reasonable assignments by the GSI and confirming that the TAs do their jobs. If the department expects the instructor to evaluate the TAs, then being the supervisor also includes ensuring the assessment is done properly by the GSI.
  7. Provide a short-written assessment of the GSI’s employment performance, excluding evaluation of the GSI’s own academic work. This evaluation will be included in the GSI’s Employment File. CCI recommends that these evaluations should be kept internally within the division and/or department.

NOTE: The appointing unit must communicate the evaluation criteria and procedures for written employment evaluations to the GSI. New and revised criteria and procedures must be forwarded to the Labor Relations
Office for notification to the union upon request. Departments should maintain these records internally.

To ensure that each GSI can have regular access to the mentor’s guidance and support, CEP asks that no more than eight GSIs be assigned to one mentor in a term unless the mentor is compensated or the service is recognized.

Union Represented

If you are assigned to any Academic Student Employee (ASE) title (Reader, Tutor, Teaching Assistant, Associate In, or Teaching Fellow), your appointment is covered by a Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the ASE/UAW establishes the terms and conditions of your employment. 


  • Summer Session cannot process personal reimbursements.

Parking passes, bus passes, and gym passes

Last modified: Feb 19, 2025