Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Summer Session welcomes students with disabilities to UCSC. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) works with us to accommodate all students.  

  • If students need testing or other accommodations, they must first become affiliated with the Disability Resource Center (DRC).
  • The first step is for them to complete the DRC Welcome Form. The next step would be to schedule a New Student Intake appointment through their case management system: the Accommodate Student Portal. Navigate to the “Appointments Module” on the left hand side of the screen; Request a New Appointment; search using the appointment type: New Student Appointment; and select a slot that works for you. 
  • For more detailed instructions with screenshots students can review this Guide to Affiliating with the DRC.

DRC Contact:

The DRC reduces barriers to inclusion and full participation for students with disabilities by providing support to individually determine reasonable academic accommodations. The DRC also serves as a resource to faculty and staff.

The following accommodation services are available to meet the needs of students with disabilities:

  • accessible furniture
  • course materials in alternate formats
  • assistive software and adaptive equipment
  • notetaking support
  • class or lab assistants
  • authorization for on-campus van transportation and temporary disability or medical-related parking accommodations
  • sign language interpreting and real-time captioning
  • testing accommodations: extended time, distraction-reduced testing environments, enlarged font for exams, use of a laptop, readers, and scribes.

The DRC also serves as a liaison to provide referrals to appropriate resources, services, and agencies.

You can also reference the first edition of the UCSC Disability Resource Center’s instructor handbook entitled, “Practices for Fostering Access, Equity, and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities” published in February 2019. It was compiled in response to feedback over the past few years about the need for a comprehensive, practical guide to better support classroom instructors in serving our students with disabilities.

Summer Exams:

The DRC makes every effort to aid instructors in the implementation of Summer Session exam accommodations by helping to find testing space, readers, and scribes. Please see the following DRC webpage link for information about Summer Exam Accommodations:

If you have questions or concerns about exam accommodations or any other disability-related matter, please contact the DRC office at 831-459-2089 or email to work with a DRC Service Coordinator.

In addition to services offered through the Disability Resource Center, the Faculty Instructional Technology Center (FITC) provides services and resources for making your instructional materials accessible. Contact the FITC at (831) 459-5506, open an IT Request ticket, or stop by at FITC at 1330 McHenry Library for assistance. Summer Hours are Monday through Friday 9 am-5 pm. FITC also offers training and tutorials on accessibility-related issues.

Last modified: Jan 27, 2025