Summer Employment Info

Appointment letter

Your appointment letter detailing the terms of employment* will be emailed to you by You must respond to the email by the deadline in your letter to accept or decline the appointment.

Until you accept your appointment, we cannot:

  • Add you to the Schedule of Classes
  • Provide access to Canvas
  • Begin to process your payroll.

Please send your appointment-related questions to the AHR team at and your Summer Session questions to us at

Associate In moving to a Teaching Fellow

If a graduate student advances to candidacy (moving from an Associate In rank to a Teaching Fellow), the department is responsible for notifying the Academic Human Resources Team at and Summer Session at Notification is required by June 15 to reissue a revised Summer Session appointment letter and ensure appropriate pay for their course(s).

Teaching Fellow moving to a Lecturer

If a graduate student completes their degree (moving from a GSI rank to a lecturer title), the department is responsible for (1) ensuring compliance through UC Recruit and (2) notifying the Academic Human Resources Team at and Summer Session at Notification is required by June 15 to reissue a revised Summer Session appointment letter and ensure appropriate payment for the first Summer Session. 

*Pending CCI approval of Graduate Student Instructors

Title IX

Title IX Office

The University cherishes the free and open exchange of ideas and enlargement of knowledge. To maintain this freedom and openness requires objectivity, mutual trust, and confidence; it requires the absence of coercion, intimidation, or exploitation. The principal responsibility for maintaining these conditions must rest upon those members of the university community who exercise most authority and leadership: faculty, managers, and supervisors.

The university has therefore instituted a number of measures designed to protect its community from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other related prohibited conduct.

Information, advice, referrals, and/or copies of the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment and the UC Santa Cruz Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment are available to all students, faculty, and staff.

Contacting the Title IX Office
Please use the online reporting link to make a report.
You can also email or call 831-459-2462.

Instructor attendance policy


If you miss a scheduled class meeting, you are responsible for maintaining the continuity of instruction and achievement of course learning objectives. If missed time is addressed by meeting at an alternate class, you must ensure all enrolled students can attend.

  • If an absence is unavoidable (e.g., illness, jury duty), you must communicate to enrolled students and Summer Session (, as quickly as possible, regardless of the expected duration of the absence.
  • You must keep Summer Session apprised of all absences and related coverage plans. If you miss multiple classes, you should develop alternate arrangements in consultation with Summer Session and the sponsoring department or college.
  • If a substitute teacher is necessary, Summer Session will coordinate with Academic HR so they can arrange a BYA payment for the short duration based on their daily rate.

Course release

Divisions or departments that assign summer teaching as part of the duties and compensation of a senate faculty member or fiscal year lecturer appointment will receive a course release from Summer Session provided that the course:

Meets the established summer quarter enrollment thresholds

  • If a course is canceled for not meeting enrollment on the census date, Summer Session will not provide the course release back to the department/division. 
  • Departments will have the option of continuing to offer and staff the course without receipt of course release funding.

In this case, the division or department will:

  • Receive a standard or BEE course release amount, as appropriate to the faculty member, from Summer Session in lieu of additional faculty compensation. 

The faculty member will:

  • Not receive an additional summer salary from Summer Session for their teaching of the course 
  • Not receive an appointment letter through Summer Session as their home division’s appointment will cover this assignment.

The course will otherwise be treated like other summer courses with respect to enrollments in support of the department’s summer TA allocation and enrollment incentives

As with compensated courses, the course release amount is prorated to units of credit and does not vary by course enrollment.

Last modified: Feb 26, 2025