Course Scheduling

Location, days, times, and sections

Instruction Mode is approved by CCI

  • In-person
  • Synchronous Online
  • Asynchronous Online

In-Person or Synchronous Online Scheduling 

Here are versions of common course schedules that we find work well for students. We collect faculty availability and scheduling needs in February. If pedagogy necessitates an alternate schedule, we will work to meet course needs. Please utilize our collection process to provide that information.

5-week, 5-credit courses 

9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
1:00 – 4:30 p.m.1:00 – 4:30 p.m.1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
5 – 8:30 p.m.5 – 8:30 p.m.5 – 7:30 p.m.
Schedules for 5-week, 5-credit courses

*Art/Music/Theater t typically provides their courses’ schedules and rooms to Summer Session

5-week, 2-credit courses – Determined by Instructor

  • One day for three hours or 
  • Two days for one and a half hours each

8-Week and 10-Week – Determined by Instructors

  • Flexibility in scheduling available


  • Chemistry, Biology, Physics, METX – we work with your department lab managers
  • Computer labs – you’ll need to reserve those facilities 

Asynchronous Online

  • If you have a pedagogical need to have regular synchronous discussion sections in your asynchronous course, you will have the opportunity to provide this information when we collect “mandatory sections” in February.
  • If you have a pedagogical need to have optional secondary discussion sections, please see the Discussion Sections Information page to schedule those.
  • No need for schedule
  • No need for room reservations 

Overview of Contact Hour Policy: 

The Committee on Educational Policy UCSC Credit Hour Policy SR 760 does not specify a relationship between credits and contact hours. UCSC utilizes the following model: a 5-credit course should generally have 31.50 contact hours over the course of the ten week term—3.15 hours a week (195 minutes) corresponding either to two 95-minute meetings or three 65-minute meetings per week. A 2-credit course should typically involve 14 hours per term, or approximately one 90 minute meeting per week. However, time for 2- and 3-credit courses can vary, with Independent Studies, by definition, allowing less contact time.

Summer Session Contact Hours:

Over an accelerated five-week Summer Session term, typical schedules are:

  • MW or TTH – 3.5 hours per day = 35 hours 
  • MWF – 2.5 hours per day = 37.5 hours 

Loss of Hours Due to Holiday

Independence Day falls on Friday, July 4. This situation results in a reduction of contact hours for Session 1, 8-wk, and 10-wk courses. Faculty can decide to make up contact hours at their discretion. There is no mandate.

Academic Calendar

  • Courses are required to adhere to the published Academic Calendar, which is guided by Academic Senate policy. 
  • Add/Swap, Drop, Request for “W,” and Change Grade Option deadlines will not differ based on the mode of instruction.


Summer Session will not offer hybrid courses where part of the course is taught in person and part of it is taught online. Students need to know if they will have to be in Santa Cruz or if they are able to take the course while being in a different location. Further, Summer Session won’t use the word “hybrid” to refer to online courses that include synchronous and asynchronous elements90-minuteour enrollments are too vulnerable to the misunderstanding of the word’s meaning. If you would like to teach a course that combines synchronous and asynchronous elements, put forward the course as Asynchronous Online or Synchronou Online, whichever is the dominant format.

Discussion Section Information:

If possible, secondary/Discussion sections should be scheduled before enrollment opens on May 1) to give students the option to enroll in them. Scheduling in advance gives students ample time to know their time commitment. 

Mandatory vs. Optional:

  • Mandatory—Attendance is required and is included in your attendance policy. Students must pick a discussion to enroll in the course. 
  • Optional – attendance is not required but recommended and is not included in your attendance policy. Students have the option to enroll in a discussion when they enroll, but if they do not select one, it will not prohibit their enrollment.

Scheduling Before Enrollment Opens (February – April)

  • Ensures students have the day/time of the section in advance and it is listed on the Schedule of Classes.
    • This is recommended, especially for mandatory sections, since most students enroll in more than one summer class and need to make sure they plan accordingly. 
    • If assigned a TA, part of their agreement could be that they are available during the predetermined discussion section days/times. 
    • Summer Session can recommend discussion section times that do not conflict with other department lecture times. 

Note: 90% of enrollments happen on May 1, so scheduling before enrollment opens will allow the maximum number of students to see the full course expectations before enrolling. If you want your schedule included before enrollment opens on May 1, submit by April 28. 

Scheduling After Enrollment Opens but Before the Course Starts (May 2 – forward)

  • In this case, students will enroll without a scheduled discussion section, and the Class Note will indicate that it will be added later. There is no guarantee that students will read or retain this information. Sample Class Note: Weekly secondary sections will be scheduled. 
  • Once your expected TA is assigned in mid-June, you work with them to determine their availability and communicate the schedule with Summer Session. 
  • Discussion sections are added and you can announce them to your enrolled students through your roster. Those students have time to drop or swap if the times do not work for them. 
  • Any new students who add after the announcement but before the class starts will have the discussion section information. 

Scheduling After The Start of the Session (late June – July)

  • In this case, students will have enrolled without a scheduled discussion section. They will also have enrolled in additional courses (it is rare that students only enroll in one summer course due to the summer financial aid eligibility requirements). 
  • You will schedule your discussion sections later in collaboration with your TA/Students. This could be through a student poll, class discussion, etc. 
  • Sample Class Note: Weekly secondary sections will be scheduled during the first week of instruction, discussion section meeting days/times will be coordinated with student input.
  • If the section is in-person, the later we schedule, the more limited the space will be. The earlier you schedule, the more spaces will be available. 
  • We recommend scheduling after the start of the session for optional discussion sections, since as noted, by June-July students have firm schedules and late changes may result in them having to drop your course. 

Please submit this form to schedule your Discussion Sections. 

Course Cancellation

Summer Session Course Enrollment Minimums.

  • Lower division courses need 18+ students
  • Upper division courses need 15+ students

In mid-May (see timeline for exact date), an initial low enrollment red flag email is sent to departments and course instructors whose classes are below the enrollment minimums. Session 1, 8-Week and 10-Week courses that do not meet the minimum 17 days before the start of the Summer Quarter will be cancelled. 

In mid-July (see timeline for exact date), any Session 2 course still below the minimums will be cancelled. 

If a class is cancelled:

  • Students are not penalized. We contact them directly and help them enroll into alternate courses.

Cancellations are  upsetting for instructors and students. 

It’s ideal to avoid these completely by planning ahead to offer the most needed classes and by helping us promote your class (see “Publicizing your course” section of our website).

Last modified: Mar 19, 2025