Promote courses in winter classes and advising meetings!
1/5:Deadline for Department/College to submit New Summer Courses and Summer Course Revisions in Curriculum Approval and Tracking (CAT)
1/15: Deadline for Division to submit New Summer Courses and Summer Course Revisions to CCI
1/27: Class Notes Prerequisites & Restrictions information updated for course sponsoring department managers to approve
- GSI packets due via CARS online form for CCI review
- Compliance information due for any new lecturers
2/3: Scheduling form sent to all instructors
2/10: Scheduling form due from summer instructors
- AHR begins sending Faculty and Lecturer appointment letters
- Faculty are attached to courses in AIS after accepting appointment letters
- Mandatory discussion sections scheduled by Summer Session Office
3/4: Departments, Colleges, and Summer Faculty asked to review schedule
- Summer term active in Schedule of Classes
- New courses must have CCI approval to be offered
- AHR begins sending GSI appointment letters as CCI approves
- GSI are attached to courses in AIS as CCI approves
- Promote courses in spring classes and advising meetings!
4/1: Registration opens for summer-only visiting, incoming Summer Edge, and high school students to be able to take summer classes.
4/28: Initial Deadline to submit Discussion Section requests
5/1: Enrollment opens for continuing UC Santa Cruz students (who took classes in the Spring) at 9 a.m.
5/2: Enrollment opens for visiting summer-only and incoming students
5/12: Teaching Assistant allocation estimates sent. Departments and College Managers can add their TAs after they get their estimate.
- The TA estimate is derived from the sum of current enrollments divided by 44. Departments use estimates to begin considering which classes to place TAships, and who might fill them.
5/15: Initial low enrollment red flag email sent to departments and course instructors whose classes are below 18+ students needed in lower division courses or 15+ in upper division courses.
- Course readers for Session 1 to Copy Center due
- Orders for Session 1 textbooks to Bay Tree Campus Store
6/2: TA allocations calculated and sent to academic units.
- Department and College Managers may submit TA and Reader Appointments
- Session 1, 8wk, and 10wk allocations: to account for additional enrollments that take place between June 3 and June 23, the final allocation is 5% over the June 3 actual enrollment number.
- Session 2 allocations will be recalculated again on July 1 to address any additional enrollments; any additional TAs may be used in session 2 only.
6/6: TA appointment and Reader requests due
- AHR sends TA appointment letters
- AHR sends Reader appointment letters
- GSIs – For any AI advancing to become TF or TF graduating to become Lecturers, new title information must be emailed to AHR at ue-ahr@ucsc.edu
- Summer will schedule optional discussion sections with TAs and instructors
6/6 Enrollment census for Session 1, 8wk, and 10wk course cancellation
- 18+ students needed in lower division course or 15+ in upper division courses.
- Course cancellations made – Summer Session contacts faculty, departments, and students to support them in changing plans
- 17 days before the start of instruction
- Start of Summer Session 1, 8wk, and 10wk Instruction
- Visit ucsc.textbookx.com and log in with your CruzID. Click on your summer course and add the materials you would like students to have for class.
7/1: Session 2 TAship allocations recalculated to address any additional enrollments
- To account for any additional enrollments added from June 3 – July 1.
- Summer Session will contact affected departments directly to alert them to additional allocations.
7/4: Fourth of July – no instruction, administrative holiday
7/11: Session 1 Final Deadline TAs and Reader Hiring
7/11: Enrollment census for Session 2 course cancellation
- 18+ students needed in lower division courses or 15+ in upper division courses.
- Course cancellations made – Summer Session contacts faculty, departments, and students to support them in changing plans
- 17 days before the start of instruction
7/18: 8-Week Final Deadline TAs and Reader Hiring
7/28: Start of Summer Session 2 Instruction
7/31: Grades due for Session 1 courses
8/1: 10-Week Final Deadline TAs and Reader Hiring
8/15: Session 2 Final Deadline TAs and Reader Hiring
8/21: Grades due for 8-Week courses
8/29: End of Summer Quarter
9/4: Grades due for Session 2 and 10-Week courses, independent studies, and field studies
Summer dates and deadlines
Stay on top of key academic dates.
Annual timeline
Find out the important dates for instructions during Summer Session (2024-2025).
Summer Session general inquiries
Contact for any and all information, including course/sections scheduling, room reservations, increasing enrollment capacity, instructor and TA evaluations, policies and exceptions, marketing and promotion of Summer Session courses (like course flyers, social media posts) and year round events (like Info Sessions in the Colleges, or tabling at the Summer Opportunities Fair).
Undergraduate Education Academic HR
Contact for all contract, payroll, paycheck, and appointment questions.